Aunty ‘Aulani, a San-Diego native, has been dancing her whole life.

‘Aulani has performed in hundreds of hula and Tahitian performances in the Southern California community, including as a wahine dancer at E Hula Mau, a prestigious hula competition, for 6 years (2012-2018).

On many days, you can find ‘Aulani creating choreography, searching for music, crafting costumes, or attending workshops. She continues to hone her skills through Tahitian workshops with award-winning instructors including Moena Maiotui, Vaheana Le Bihan, Roina Smith Schmidt, Marilyn Greg and Kahealani Drollet. If she looks familiar to you, you may have seen her teaching UJam or Zumba !  

‘Aulani is loved among all of the haumana, and has gained well-deserved recognition for her aloha, creativity and positive energy. San Diego Hula Academy is pleased to have Aunty ‘Aulani as a lead Tahitian instructor.